Premiere Knoxville Movers – 865-675-1556

Have you recently moved to Knoxville and your children are not too thrilled about having to pack up all of their belongings and move into a new home, even if it is just across town? How about if you moved to Knoxville from out of state? Moving is never an easy task, especially during the […]

Also posted in current events

If you are moving to Knoxville, there are a couple moving terms that you should 100% be aware of: Rogue movers Fraudulent movers Chameleon movers All of the above are terms that homeowners, professional moving companies, the Office of Inspector General, the Better Business Bureau, the Department of Transportation, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety […]

As if Knoxville didn’t already have enough outdoor fun going on, Knoxville movers were thrilled to hear that the Mountain Bike Race was held in Knoxville’s Urban Wilderness on the new Flow Trail. The competition was for middle and high school students only and took place on Sunday, October 11th, from 10 a.m. to 2 […]

If you are moving to Tennessee, you are about to see your Tennessee power bills lowering. Residents across the state are enthralled about Tennessee Valley Authority’s announcement to lower fuel costs to the lowest they have been in a year. TVA announced that its total monthly fuel cost rate for September would be 1,958 cents […]

Back-to-school is one of the most exciting, yet nerve-racking times in a child’s life. Each year, they either look forward to, or dread having to go back to school and see friends that they haven’t seen all summer, meet new teachers, and tackle the increasingly difficult curriculum in their new grade level. However, moms, families, […]

If you are moving to Knoxville this month, you are not the only one. Watch out because the dinosaurs have come back to Knoxville! Knoxville movers are thrilled to announce that “Discover the Dinosaurs” will be featured at the Knoxville Convention Center this month. However, they are only making a pit-stop in town. You and […]

Moving is a stressful experience. Add pets to the equation and it gets exponentially more difficult. There are some things that you can do to help make the move easier on you and you pets, it just requires planning before it’s time to make the move. If you’re moving to Knoxville here are some tips […]

In a time when conspiracy theories run rampant through the U.S., one might be skeptical to believe everything they hear about the government. The idea of the government coming in and taking over a part of your town, building up a city, and running a completely secret operation right under your nose is seen as […]

Earlier in the year, there was a cow named Dudley that narrowly escaped death. He was set to be slaughtered, but an issue with his foot spared his life, and The Gentle Barn swooped in and rescued him. The Gentle Barn is an organization that rescues animals, along with working with children that have special […]

Recently we have seen a push for greener practices when it comes to the food that we eat. More people are shopping at farmer’s markets, people are eating organic, gmo free foods, and people want to know where their food came from. This national trend for eating green has moved to Knoxville, where urban gardens […]